WELCOME to the Official Blog of the 2011 National Amateur, June 19-25, brought to you by the Retriever News, written by Vickie Lamb, and sponsored by Purina and Avery. We hope you enjoy these multi-daily updates, held this year in Ronan, Montana. Enjoy your stay and come back often!

11 NARC Callbacks

Retriever Report

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Wednesday, June 22, 2011




Here are callbacks, given to me by Linda Harger, Chief Marshal:

2, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 24, 25, 27, 28, 32, 33, 34, 38, 41, 43, 45, 47, 48, 49, 53, 56, 58, 60, 62, 63, 65, 67, 69, 71, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 80, 82, 83, 85, 86, 88, 91, 92, 93, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 102, 106, 108, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115


The last dog has run. FOR TOMORROW'S TEST THUS FAR...

Test Dogs will begin at 7:30 a.m.

Competing Dogs start at 8:00 a.m.

Callbacks and Directions will be posted at the hotel and later on here. Due to the hour and being so far behind on photos, I probably won't be at the Worker's Party... which is where callbacks will be given. I will, however, post them on here sometime tonight.


Norman didn't want to go left...

... there were lots of whistles up front, and then had to work to get the blind, #34.



... did get hung up a bit on the point but got off and did very well from there for Jerald Wilks, #33.


Well, Zeus...

.... Off the point, Zeus went right and Pete Goodale handled him back all the way to the bird, #32.


Lee Is Making Canaille...

... Do this blind on the line. Dog #28.


Ethel Made Yvonne Work...

... But they got the blind.


Skeeter! Take Those Casts!

... For Robby Bickley, #25.



After some working back and forth up to the peninsula, Bruce gave Gauge a big verbal BACK and that carried #24 all the way to the blind.


The Thunder Rolls...

... Somewhere over in the southern sky. And... it sounds ominous.


Weezer and Jeff worked well together...

... to put together a good blind, #23.


Jet thought Tia was good-looking...

... Or, her blind, anyway, as his was just as nice. That's #21, Jet and Jim Powers


Really nice work...

... for Tia, #20, and Suzan Caire.


A Good Many Whistles...

... for Trudi, #19, and Carma Futhey, but Trudi worked as a team.


Lorna and Magic...

... Had lots of whistles before the first water, and then worked things out on this blind from there, #18.


One of the Better Blinds Today...

... was just turned in by #17, Boo and Kit Johnson


Oatie Struggled...

... Through various parts of the blind from beginning to end and then got out a bit early to the blind, for #12, Linda Erwin.


Workmanlike Blind...

... For #11, Buster and Pete Hayes


Pacer Had Both Ends...

... Kind of tough on the front end, and much better on the back end, #10 for De Boice.


Hook Had A Nice One...

... for Charlie Hines, dog #9.


Nice job! For Pirate...

... Dog #8 and Gary Zellner



... Had a good blind for Brad Clow, #7.


Really Nice Job for Webster...

... Dog #6 and Marion Carey.


Shire Was Right and Out, and Then In and Left...

... for handler Sharon Gierman, dog #4.


Bullet and Dan ...

... had to work from beginning to end but got the bird. This is dog #2.


Grandma Ruby ...

... She exited halfway down the bank and got the bird from there for handler Al Wilson, #115.


Anna was left early on...

...but straightened out into a good blind.


Hawk was very nice...

... really good blind for Jerald Wilks, dog #113.


Cree Makes Up Ground...

... for handler Jerry Younglove, with a nice blind. This is dog #112.


Pogo Does Well For Martha

... Dog #111, nice blind.



The Worker's Party will start at 6 p.m.

The Band will begin playing at 7 p.m.

The location for the party is "The Barn at Finley Point" and to get there, turn off Hwy 93 onto Hwy 35, which is South Shore Road, (which turns into East Shore Rd) going toward Bigfork. Travel six miles to Finley Point Road, which is on the left. The address is 33213 Finley Point Road (Flathead Lake) Polson, MT 59860.


Problems in the second piece of water...

... were encountered by #110, Chase and Alex Washburn, but they have the bird.


The glare on the water is pretty intense...

... with above 80 temperatures that feel much warmer today.


The Peninsula was Quite Attractive...

... for Jack, who preferred to hang onto it for awhile... #109 did get the bird for Liz Jerome.


Dog #106 wide left

... at the end and just deep of the blind, Dreamer exited and ran behind and then back down to the bird.


Nike, #108...

Nike had a problem getting into the big water and then had some difficulty to the bird, but got it.


Way, way left and deep...

... for #104, Roxie, and Bill Benson. There is a glare right now and I'm wondering if perhaps Bill couldn't see her until she got quite deep.


Down Goes Dancer

... Dog #103 was just picked up on the right hillside by handler Charles Hays.


Super Spud...Tater

Nice job for handler Mark Medford. This is Dog #102.


Brook Shines...

... Nice job for Michael Moore. She's dog #100.


Skatch did quite nicely

... #99, for Larry Calvert.


Eva does the blind...

... for Lanse, #98.


Smooth Overall...

... for Kicker, #97, although he got left at the end of the first water.


Quite warm on the hill...

Not much wind and sunny


Jerrylee is Outstanding!

... Wow--for #96 and handler Lynne DuBose


Buster ...

... got somewhat left going into the second water but handler Charles Bearden got him straightened back out for a nice blind.


Ruby and Don Graves...

... had a nice blind, #92.


Another Scenting Trip...

... Right now...


Tyson got way right...

... in the first piece of water and this carried into the second piece of water. Tyson eventually recovered from there. This is #91.


Dog #89, Mattie with David McMahan

Mattie had some difficulty around the spit of scented land between the two pieces of water, but beyond that had a nice end to the blind.


Chad Got The Bird, #88

... Chad got right in the first water but straightened back out for handler Steve Bechtel, Jr., and got deep of the blind on the end before recovering the bird.


Dusty Hines...

Lined to the water and a nice blind from there for Charlie Hines, #86.


Grady Lined Into The Second Water...

... as he approached and got into the second water, he began to veer left. As soon as he cleared danger of running water, Chad began casting and kept working Grady back to the right and the line, and had four total casts to the bird.


Chuck and Louie...

...#83, had a very nice job on this blind.


#82... got the bird.

Kid's blind was under control and it was quite nice, for handler Claudette Klein.


Blue a Bit Loose at End...

... Sharon Gierman and Blue got the bird.


Chad and Freedom

... very nice job... #80....


Viggi and Len...

... Did a good blind off the gun change. Len feels only slightly better today, but any improvement is something he's welcoming, to be sure.


Gun Change in Progress...

Handlers come to view the line for a five-minute look.


Lots of Whistles...

... for #77, but Chip gets the bird for Tom Hartl


Linda and Comet...

#76, Linda Harger gets good work from Comet.


Guide Shows Teamwork

... Worked together as a team, as Guide took all casts and stayed on line with Sherwin Scott, #75


Duke Reigns...

Dog #74 does well for Lou Magee


Go Ozzy!

... He really gave teamwork to handler Benjy Griffith. Number 73. Nice blind.


Diesel and Joe Broyles...

... Got the bird.


Brother Aaron Struggled...

... #70, particularly up front on this blind. Connie Cleveland kept with him and he improved toward the end and got the bird.


Ali Rose To The Occasion...

... #69, playing some teamwork with Bobby Lane


Kimber Kept Gary On His Toes...

... But she got the bird and overall, worked with him.


Birdy Had A Nice Blind...

... Dog #65 and Yvonne Hays


Just In Case Anyone's Wondering...

... the fact that there are birds in the holding blind and at the flyer crates is not illegal... because these are actual stations from the previous test, where the birds have already been.

Just clearing this up if necessary.


Miah Gets the Blind...

... #63 and Stephen Ritter.



... Was a bit interested with the holding blind short of the first water, but "straightened" out from there to have a workmanlike blind to the bird.


Saber Does It...

... #60 with Chris Hatch


Twister ...

... For the most part worked with Al. Just before he got even with the blind exit point while in the water, he had trouble answering whistles and stayed in the edge of the water until about even with the bird, where he then winded it and went up and got it.


Mootsie Has A Nice Blind

----The team of Mootsie (#58) and Ted Shih worked well together for this blind.



Good workmanlike blind.


Alex and Punch Do Nicely...

Dog #53... good job.


Plenty Of Work At The End...

... Dog #52 did get the bird but handler Jean Wu had to work at it; Jacki was out on land to the right about 3/4 of the way to the bird and it appeared she couldn't see her handler.


Work for Windy...

... Some trouble on the blind for Windy, particularly in the second piece of water, when Windy got right and refused many whistles in the running water. Handler Ken Neil managed to keep her along the water's edge on the right for several more whistles/casts after that; she broke up the hill about halfway from the water entrance to that of the exit point to the bird itself, and then got the bird from the right side.


Dog #48 Very Nice Job...

... Also, Mickey and Charlie Hines demonstrated that the running water NEAR THE END of the blind isn't an impervious wall to whistles.

Nice job from start to finish.


Dog #47 Gets the Bird...

... Lil was rather left of the line along the first piece of water and upon entering into the big water, and corrected from there with a few more casts to the bird.


Dog #46 has the bird...

... Some difficulties with whistles on this run.


Dog #45 Survives Some Anxious Places...

... It looked like trouble was brewing just deep of the dam when re-entering the second water. Handler Jim Pickering prevailed with persistence and convinced Willie to stay with him--they got the bird.


Another Completion...

... JR, #43, has a blind that skims the left-hand edge of the first pond and then works to the bird from there.


Cane Succeeds...

... Dog #41 had an overall good blind to the bird. Handler John Thomas gave several very smart casts in critical points during the blind.


Third Dog Has Picked Up

Dog #40 went as far as the dam between the two pieces of water. It's scented, and the dog didn't recover from there.


Second Dog Did the Test...

... Dog #38 broke left from the line, had a respectable blind all the way into the second piece of water and 2/3 of the way across it. Then, Fizz broke right and got out and kept pulling right despite casts to the left. When Fizz reached a distance about even with the blind, he was cast over and down to the bird.


First Dog On Line... PICK UP

Dog #37 is having some difficulty.


Second Test Dog Did Well...

Nancy White and Lily demonstrated a good blind.


Test Dogs Commence At 11:30

With Barbara Furlano and Wilson.

This water blind is 300 yards total distance with a long entry. Two of the three stations from the previous marks are in the field. The middle holding blind has birds in it, and the flyer station, with guns present, has flyers in the crates. The blind includes a swim across a short pond just deep of the brushed holding blind and off its right side, and left of the gunners. The line then goes out over a peninsula, which will be scented every ten dogs, and back into a big piece of water for an angle swim out and then up a hill to a little tree-top marking the blind. Handlers can move up as soon as each dog passes a ribbon about 30 yards from the line.

Wilson didn't re-enter the second piece of water.


Moving in Progress...

... Please be patient. This move is taking a while, even though the actual distance in the move is very slight. It signifies how staying in the same location, however time-consuming it is, can save volumes of time from any alternative, particularly in the same day.

I'm putting the computer to sleep for the time being, especially since I'm still unable to upload photos. Will be back soon...



79 DOGS.

2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 23, 24, 25, 27, 28, 32, 33, 34, 37, 38, 40, 41, 43, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 52, 53, 56, 58, 59, 60, 62, 63, 65, 67, 69, 70, 71, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 80, 81, 82, 83, 85, 86, 88, 89, 91, 92, 93, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 102, 103, 104, 106, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115

START with #37.


Last Dog for this Test...

... Dog #8, FC-AFC Land Ahoy and Gary Zellner, three very good marks!!! Test is done. See you at the next site.

And -- still no photo uploading...


Arson's work...

Arson (#7, FC-CFC LKY's Controlled Burn and Brad Clow) had an excellent flyer. On the middle bird, he hunted back and forth on the peninsula short of the mark, and then bailed in the water to the left edge of the pond and hunted his way down to the bird. From that he came back and stepped on the right-hand bird.


Look in the Dictionary :)

With an okay flyer, Webster (#6, AFC The Blueprint and Marion Carey) followed up with two excellent marks.


HANDLE for Tucker

Unfortunately, Bill Fruehling had to handle Tucker to the middle bird of this test. This is #5, FC Wood River's Duck Tucker.


Short Break to Manage Water...

... Landowner John Pampy went into the field to pull a few boards to adjust the water level for this pond and the pond for the next test.

Now the test resumes with #5, Tucker and Bill Fruehling.


RE-RUN results in HANDLE...

... For #113, FC Counterpoint's Sidekick and Jerald Wilks went wide and had to handle back to the right-hand bird.


Shire Had to Work For his Birds...

Dog #4, Jmolnir's There And Back Again, made a circle and then got his flyer. Next, he went for the right-hand bird and swam to the right corner of the pond and went up the hill, and then turned around toward the middle bird; he then corrected and went back up to the holding blind and over to the right bird. On the middle bird, Shire swam to the left corner of the pond and hunted that area and went down the dike and then back and hunted the area again before he got in the water and worked down the dike to the bird.



So far this morning, blogger.com hasn't been allowing photos to upload into the Blog. Will keep trying.

I've been notified that this is a widespread issue and not just an isolated incident. We're trying to find a work-around.



That is #3, FC-AFC Hoot N Holler and Chad Costa, on the right-hand bird.


Nothing Stray About This Bullet...

Way to go Bullet with a very good flyer, "between the paws" middle bird, and a very good right-hand bird!
That's #2, AFC Robbers' Stray Bullet and Dan Hurst.


Dog #1 Picked Up...

... Unfortunately, Blue (#1, FC-AFC Carbons Blue Pursuit) got deep of the middle gun and hunted around the holding blind of the right-hand bird, and then got back down into the middle bird and picked it up. This would be a switch.


Ruby Found Three Birds...

Ruby (#115, FC-AFC Nebo's Grandma Ruby and Al Wilson) had a good flyer, and then swam to the left corner of the pond and ran the levee to the bird. Ruby then made several circles around the right-hand bird but got it.


Anna Strikes Gold!

... Well, Anna (#114 FC-AFC Texanna Yellow Gold MH) put three outstanding marks together for handler Ken Robbins.


No-Bird for #113...

... Wait six dogs...


Cree Handled...

After a few quick loops on the flyer and a very good right-hand bird, #112, FC-AFC-CFC-CAFC Adams Acres Muddy Creek got deep of the middle bird and handler Jerry Younglove had to handle him back to it.


Ms Pogo!

Pogo (#111, FC-AFC Trumarc's L'il Ms Pogo) had a very long flyer, but just had a few small loops to recover it, and then drilled her other two birds for handler Martha Russell. Way to go!


He Chased 'Em Down...

After an excellent flyer, Chase (#110, AFC Coolwater's Storm Chaser and Alex Washburn) got out left of the holding blind for the middle bird and then had a small hunt to the bird. On the right-hand bird he went straight out behind the blind and quickly corrected over to the bird.


JACK and Liz

Jack (#109, AFC Just Deal Me A Jack MH and Liz Jerome) had a small loop left on the flyer and then stepped on his middle mark. On the right-hand bird, he went to the holding blind at the last possible second in a deviation from a line straight to the bird, and then corrected back out to the bird.


Just Do It Nike!

Well, Nike (#108, Rockliffs Justdoit and Paul Foster) did it, all right. Great flyer, excellent middle bird, and a short hunt in the cover around the right-hand bird. Nice job!


In Thinking About The Next Series... and Rotation...

Test Five will complete the first four announcements of rotation... from there the "count process" will kick into play.

With official rotation having been 68, 96, 9, and 37, the first starting dog will be 37 or the dog closest to it.

Just sayin'!


HANDLE turned into PICK UP... #107

Unfortunately, #107, Ironweeds High Bird Shooter got deep of the middle bird and ended up in the area of the right-hand bird's old fall.


Montana Dreamin'....

Dreamer (#106, Good Idea's Dream On) had a very good flyer and got out left for the middle bird before getting back in the water and coming up with the bird from the front door. Then, she had a very good right-hand bird to complete the test for handler Ken Neil.


Way to go, Roxie!

FC Hardscrabble Roxie McBunn made nice work of this test for handler Bill Benson, with a tidy flyer hunt and two excellent marks on her retired birds.


Dancer Got 'Em...

... With a small hunt on the flyer, and a very good middle bird, #103, AFC Watermark's Shadow Dancer had a hunt covering both land and water on the right-hand bird and then got it.


Dog #102 Does well... To start the day...

With a small hunt just short of the flyer fall, Tater (AFC Jamestown's Super Spud with Mark Medford) then had two excellent marks on the middle and right-hand birds, with the right bird retrieved second.


Scaring Handlers...Test Dog Promptly at 6:45 a.m...

Nancy White and Lily demonstrated that the test could be dicey this morning as well. The light wind puffing along right now is the one that proved most difficult yesterday, which is out of the north to northeast... and of note, this is a wind that rarely occurs out here...


Quietly getting ready...

... for this test to resume... gunners and throwers assume positions in the field.


To Our Sponsors



1. AFC Carbons Blue Pursuit, LM
2. AFC Robbers' Stray Bullet, LM
3. FC-AFC Hoot N Holler, LM
4. Mjolnir's There And Back Again, LM
5. FC Wood River's Duck Tucker, LM
6. AFC The Blueprint, LM
7. FC-CFC LKY's Controlled Burn, LM
8. FC-AFC Land Ahoy, LM
9. Windy City's Bent Tail, LM
10. FC-AFC Fat City Pacer, LM
11. NAFC-FC Fourleaf's Ice Breaker, LM
12. FC-AFC Suncrest Wild Oats, LM
13. FC-AFC Paddy Kate's Slick Mick, LM
14. FC-AFC Volwood's Big Ol' Rex, LM
15. FC-AFC Watuaga's Bull Gator, LM
16. AFC Third Creek's Big Stick, LM
17. NFC-AFC Hunter Runs BooBoo, LM
18. FC-AFC Foxfires Slight Of Hand, LM
19. Catalina's Trumarc, LF
20. FC-AFC Bayou-Star Beyond Independent, GM
21. FC-AFC Jet Black Bustin Thru The Brush, LM
22. Salt Marsh Ready Aim Flyer, GM
23. FC-AFC Weezer Retreezer, LM
24. FC Westwoods Iron Man, LM
25. FC-AFC Wolf Creek CR Skeeter, LM
26. Sonmar's Mo Cash, LM
27. FC-AFC Vinwood's Don't Look Ethel, LF
28. AFC Un Petit Peu Canaille, LF
29. AFC Invinceability, LM
30. AFC Cuda's Negra Modelo MH, LF
31. FC-AFC Sanpitch River Shore Thing, LM
32. FC-AFC Pure Labs Skys The Limit, LM
33. FC Silvertip's I Hope So, LF
34. FC-AFC Trumarc's Stormin Norman II, LM
35. In The Hunt Farm's Executive Sweet, LF
36. FC-AFC Chatanika's High Water Haylee, LF
37. FC-AFC Landover's Right On Target, LM
38. FC-AFC Hardscrabble Carbunnation, LF
39. Candlewoods Commander And Chief, LM
40. AFC Red Butte's Tiger Lilly, LF
41. FC-AFC Ragin Eye Of The Storm, LM
42. Trulines Walla Walla Sweet, LF
43. AFC-CFC-CAFC Calumet`s Mein Soupster, LM
44. AFC Citori's Vista 40th Pres, LF
45. AFC KPR's Wet Willie, LM
46. FC Big Alfonse Capone Of Mo-Kan, LM
47. AFC Lil Chin Music, LF
48. Windy City's Mighty Mouse, LM
49. NFC-AFC Candlewood's Something Royal, LF
50. AFC Sister Bertrille, LF
51. FC SML Stella's Got Her Groove, LF
52. AFC Huntersbest Sapphire Jubilee, LF
53. AFC Coolwater's Knockout, LM
54. AFC Jazztime's Dust Devil Max, LM
55. AFC-CAFC Maxfly's Lumpy, LF
56. AFC Waterdogs Iron Diva, LF
57. FC-AFC Atlasta Winner, LF
58. FC-AFC Freeridin Smooth Operator, LF
59. FC-AFC Nebo's Onyx Tornado, LM
60. FC-AFC Tealcreek Patton's Saber, LM
61. FC-AFC Sureshot's Texas Hold'Em, LM
62. Lucyana's Full Speed Ahead, LM
63. FC-AFC Bayou Teche Miah, LF
64. FC-AFC Shadows Sweet Something, LF
65. FC-AFC Trumarc's Whistling Bird, LF
66. FC Tiger Mtn's Hokulele, LM
67. AFC Kimber VIII, LF
68. Candlewoods Aphrodites Jazz, LF
69. FC-AFC Lanes Lets Get Ready To Rumble, LM
70. AFC Candlewoods Brother Aaron, LM
71. Wolf River's HD Duramax, LM
72. FC-AFC Volwood's Angel, LF
73. FC-AFC Premier's Iron Man Ozzy, LM
74. FC-AFC Dominators Duke Of Turrell, LM
75. FC Nightwings Marsh Leader, LM
76. Yakity's Shake Rattle 'N' Roll, CF
77. FC-AFC Widgeon's Carbon Chip, LM
78. AFC Waquoit Bay's Lone Arranger, LM
79. FC-AFC Castlebay's Night Robber, LM
80. Watermark's The Black Pearl, LF
81. FC-AFC-CNFC-CAFC Taylorlab Calumet's Big Blue, LM
82. Phyllo Farms Mischief Maker, LM
83. FC-AFC Candlewood GoldenDaze Louie, LM
84. Glen Lake F4d Phantom MH, LF
85. FC-AFC Cody Cut A Lean Grade, LM
86. FC-AFC Nick Of Time Wild Wind Dusty, LM
87. FC-AFC-CFC-CAFC Runnin's Molly B, LF
88. FC-AFC Jazztime Hanging Chad, LM
89. Maple Creek's Mattie Mae, LF
90. Fargo's Rising River, LF
91. FC-AFC Sureshot's TKO, LM
92. AFC Flyway's Ruby B. Gonia, LF
93. FC-AFC Downtown Buster Brown XXXI, LM
94. FC-AFC Waterdogs Shock And Awe, LM
95. FC-AFC Joey's Zoom Zoom JH, LM
96. FC-AFC-Great Bunns Of Fire, LF
97. FC-AFC Badger State Ram Kicker, LM
98. FC-AFC Eva-Ethyl Proby-Weber, LF
99. Jazztime Bluegoose's Skatch, LM
100. FC-AFC Citori's Accept No Substitute, LF
101. Tweed's Rough Rider, LM
102. AFC Jamestown's Super Spud, LF
103. AFC Watermark's Shadow Dancer, LF
104. FC Hardscrabble Roxie McBunn, LF
105. FC-AFC Lil Mac's Black River Rabbit, LF
106. Good Idea's Dream On, LF
107. Ironweeds High Bird Shooter, LF
108. Rockliffs Justdoit, LM
109. AFC Just Deal Me A Jack MH, LM
110. AFC Coolwater's Storm Chaser, LF
111. FC-AFC Trumarc's L'il Ms Pogo, LF
112. FC-AFC-CFC-CAFC Adams Acres Muddy Creek, LM
113. FC Counterpoint's Sidekick, LM
114. FC-AFC Texanna Yellow Gold MH, LF
115. FC-AFC Nebo's Grandma Ruby, LF